Fx\R. Software Development


Services & Consulting

  • REST API, Microservices, Reactive Web App Design & Development

  • Database Design (SQL and NoSQL)

  • Mobile and Web Development

  • Data Cleaning

  • Code Migration & Refactoring


  • JVM based languages: Java, Scala and Clojure

  • Other languages: Common Lisp, Elixir, Ruby, Python, Javascript

  • Web Frameworks: Play, Spring Boot, Ruby on Rails, Django, Phoenix

  • Databases: Mongo DB, Postgres SQL, SQLite3

  • Test Automation Frameworks: Junit, ScalaTest, ScalaCheck, Rspec


IAT Manager

IAT Manager is a web application to create your personnal Implicit Association Tests.
Once created, IAT Manager provides a unique web link which can be sent to participants, under your supervision.
IAT Manager allows results of participants to be downloaded in csv format.

Technologies: Scala, Scalatra microframework, MongoDB, Javascript

IDCM Online

IDCM is a framework allowing UML models to be analysed through an incremental process.
IDCM guarantees that a model under construction or evolution is compliant with its previous release according to a behavioural point of view.
Model evolutions may be: extension, refinement or component substitution. IDCM analyses:
- simple UML components defined by interfaces and state machines
- simple UML components defined by interfaces and state machines composite
- UML components defined by interfaces and an assembly of parts (instances of simple or composite components)

Technologies: Java, Spring Boot framework, MongoDB